
Multiple employees receive commendations at Institute-wide ceremony

A special meeting was organized on 21 February. The first to give away awards was Vice-Rector Danis Nurgaliev. Among the various commendations he presented to employees were Khadzhiev Medal, Graifer Medal, and Rector’s letter of gratitude – 11 persons combined. Deputy Director for Continuing Education and Industrial Partnerships Ildus Chukmarov then took the floor to thank teachers and employees of the Center for Advanced Training (CdoGEO) with certificates of merit. He briefly described each of the awardee’s contributions and talents. In total, 11 educators and 16 administration and support employees were decorated by him on the day. Dr Chukmarov noted, “I am glad to see that the number of our teachers and experts of CdoGEO grows continuously. In a single year, about 200 external employees have some kind of cooperation with the Institute, which attests to a great interest in advanced training and professional development.”

В Институте геологии и нефтегазовых технологий КФУ прошел День открытых дверей

2 марта в Институте геологии и нефтегазовых технологий Казанского федерального университета на Дне открытых дверей собралось более 60 учащихся 8, 9, 10 и 11 классов, а также их родителей. Многие приехали из других городов России и Татарстана –Нижегородская область, Альметьевск, Набережные Челны, Нижний Новгород, Йошкар-Ола, Самара, Октябрьского, Геленджик и др. (далее…)

В ИГиНГТ КФУ состоялось торжественное награждение сотрудников CdoGEO и преподавателей ИГиНГТ КФУ

21 февраля в Институте геологии и нефтегазовых технологий прошел ученый совет, на котором торжественно вручали награды сотрудникам ИГиНГТ и CdoGEO. (далее…)

Подписан договор о сотрудничестве между ИГиНГТ КФУ и компанией ООО «Оил Ресурс»

18 февраля 2025 года в голубом зале главного корпуса Казанского федерального университета состоялось важное событие – подписание договора о сотрудничестве между Институтом геологии и нефтегазовых технологий (ИГиНГТ) КФУ и компанией ООО «Оил Ресурс». (далее…)

Studies of Domanik Formation course concludes at CdoGEO

On February 14, the Center for Advanced Training (CdoGEO) completed the advanced training program Study of Domanik Formation. The course participants were Tatneft employees. The course was led by Vladimir Morozov, an outstanding geologist and leading specialist in Domanik formation research, with many years of experience in scientific and educational activities. As part of the course, Alexey Khayuzkin spoke in detail about the Domanik deposits of the Semiluk horizon, which are widespread in the Republic of Tatarstan. During the lectures, the history of the formation of these deposits was covered and the prospects for their operational development were discussed. This topic is especially relevant, since Domanik formations are oil source rocks and contain shale oil, which opens up many opportunities for further geological research. The course participants noted the high quality of teaching at CdoGEO, expressing their positive feedback on the content of the educational program. In the satisfaction questionnaires, they gave the teachers the highest marks for the organizing of the lessons and professionalism. At the end, the Head of CdoGEO Ildus Chukmarov presented memorable gifts to the students who had repeatedly taken training with us and invited employees of Tatneft to take part in other educational courses offered by the Center.

В CdoGEO КФУ специалисты повысили квалификацию по курсу «Исследование доманиковых отложений»

14 февраля в Центре дополнительного образования, менеджмента качества и маркетинга (CdoGEO) Института геологии и нефтегазовых технологий Казанского федерального университета завершилось обучение по программе повышения квалификации «Исследование доманиковых отложений». Слушателями курса стали ПАО «Татнефть». (далее…)

Institute visited by Bashneftegeofizika delegation

A two-day meeting session was organized on 29 – 30 January. The delegation included: Denis Kolesnikov, Deputy General Director for HR – Director of the HR Department; Dmitry Smirnov, First Deputy Director for Production, Directional and Horizontal Drilling Directorate; Timur Adiev, Chief Specialist for Technological Development, Exploration Geophysics Directorate; Elena Erantseva, Head of the Personnel Assessment and Development Department, HR Department; Sergey Shushkov, New Technologies Development Manager, Directional and Horizontal Drilling Directorate. The guests visited the Center for Modeling of Hard-to-Recover Hydrocarbons and the KFU History Museum. The visit was organized to familiarize them with specialized classrooms and laboratories, including the 3D GEO Center, the training and production center of the geophysical division of the TAGRAS Holding, as well as Laboratory of Petrophysics and Physics of the Oil Reservoir (partnership with Rosneft) and other facilities. In this context, student internships and employment were discussed. Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Deputy Director for Advanced Training and Industrial Partnerhips Ildus Chukmarov, and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Andrey Teryokhin arrived to speak with the guests. “We are very pleased to welcome our comrades. We discussed the issues of student placement and employment of our graduates, as well as expanding cooperation in additional professional education programs and the creation of digital educational resources (DER). For the first time, a joint virtual tour of the Institute of Geology is planned for applicants from all over Russia who want to build their careers in professions in demand at Bashneftegeofizika,” says Ildus Chukmarov. Over the course of two days, employees of Bashneftegeofizika held meetings with students, including testing and interviews for pre-graduates who want to do an internship and find employment. Denis Kolesnikov presented the history of the company and spoke about the priority areas of cooperation: “Dear teachers and students! I am glad to welcome you to one of the oldest and strongest universities in the country – the center of science, knowledge and advanced ideas. For our company, cooperation with KFU is not just a strategy, but a conscious contribution to the future, because it is here that those who will determine the development of the industry and the economy study. Our goal is not only to introduce you to the opportunities for work and internships in our company, but also to build strong partnerships with the university, participate in educational programs, joint projects and create conditions for your knowledge and talents to find a worthy application. We believe that the best solutions are born where experience and a fresh perspective, traditions and innovations are combined. Therefore, we invite you to a dialogue, to a joint search for new ideas and solutions. I am confident that our cooperation will be useful and productive for all parties.” Timur Adiev, Sergey Shushkov, and Elena Erantseva answered questions about pre-graduation practice, as well as internship and employment opportunities. “Bashneftegeofizika is our long-standing partner in education and technology. Our graduates successfully work in this company. The organization actively participates in the educational process and provides us with technical support. Quite recently, in honor of the 220th anniversary of Kazan Federal University, we received a wonderful gift from Bashneftegeofizika, for which we express our sincere gratitude. During today’s meeting, we discussed new areas for cooperation, not limited to the educational sphere, but also including technological aspects. I hope that in the coming years, our cooperation with Bashneftegeofizika will receive a new impetus. We are ready to interact with one of the best service companies in Russia on the most modern technological issues,” noted Danis Nurgaliev.
Открытие курсов Ильдусом Адгамовичем

CdoGEO продолжает реализацию брендовых курсов, таких как «Исследование доманиковых отложений» со своими лучшими преподавателями.

10 февраля руководитель Центра дополнительного образования, менеджмента качества и маркетинга (CdoGEO) Института геологии и нефтегазовых технологий Ильдус Чукмаров запустил обучение по программе повышения квалификации «Исследование доманиковых отложений». Слушателями курса стали сотрудники ПАО «Татнефть». (далее…)