Well logging interpretation (petrophysics)

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of well logging, as well as practical skills in well logs interpretation


Certificate of Professional Development

40 hours

of practical and theoretical studies

Upon request

Cost of the course

5 days

Course duration

Course description:

Upon completion of this advanced training course, students will gain knowledge about modern methods of processing and interpreting well logs, as well as automated interpretation of well logging data in modern software products.

During the course, topics such as entering corrections into well logging curves (GR, induction logging, lateral logging), lithology and saturation, calculation of reservoir properties are discussed in detail. Students of this course will become familiar with the theory and will carry out practical exercises on the basics of geological modeling based on well logging data.

Practical part:

  • Well logs interpretation in Prime or TechLog software
  • Determination of lithology, calculation of porosity, saturation
  • Basics of using well logs in building geological models

Category of trainees:

Managers and specialists of Oil and Gas E&P Companies

Training Language:

English or Russian

No. Name of sections and topics Total Hours Lectures Practical studies
1. Modern methods of well logs processing and interpretation. 14 12 2
1.1. Wireline logging technology. Electrical properties of rocks and methods for their measurement. SP log, Resistivity log, lateral log sounding, induction logging, contact logging, high-frequency logging, micrologging, microelectric scanning. 6 4 2
1.2. Radioactive Well Logging: Gamma ray log, spectral gamma ray log, gamma-ray density logging (RHOB), neutron gamma logging, compensated neutron log 4 4 0
1.3. Acoustic (sonic) log, Nuclear magnetic logging (NML). Geotechnical Well Testing, caliper log measurements, directional log. 4 4 0
1.4. Logging while drilling (LWD) and geosteering. Features of conducting and interpreting well logging data in horizontal wells 2 2 0
2. Automated interpretation of well logging data in modern software products 20 6 14
2.1. Petrophysical support for well logging data interpretation. Use of core analysis data for well logs interpretation. 4 2 2
2.2. Lithology and saturation estimation. 6 2 4
2.3. Reservoir properties calculation. Well logging correlation. 10 2 8
3. Geological Modeling Based on Well logging Data 4 2 2
Final assessment 2
Total: 40

“The extensive course is presented in a concise, but very clear and accessible form. I highly appreciate the inclusion of practical training in the curriculum.”

“I liked the course very much. I admired the professionalism of the teachers. Excellent content of the programs, excellent presentation of the material, everything is accessible and understandable. We got very useful knowledge. Thank you so much for this course, I liked it very much. “

Training is conducted at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies at the following address: Kremlyovskaya str., 4/5, Kazan, Russia.

We can provide accommodation assistance for non-resident students in order to book KFU campus / hotel rooms.
In addition to the program, there are coffee breaks and excursions in the Museum of History of Kazan University, the Geological Museum named after A.A. Stukenberg and the Kazan Kremlin.

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