CdoGEO students: “Everything at the Institute is perfect – the teaching, the equipment, and the modern labs”

CdoGEO students: “Everything at the Institute is perfect – the teaching, the equipment, and the modern labs”

CdoGEO has given out certificates to graduates of several short courses, including Interpretation of Seismic Surveys, Control over Field Development with Field Geophysics Methods, and Requirements of Industrial Safety in Mine Surveying.

Among the recipients are employees of big companies – Tatneft, SamaraNIPIneft, SurgutNIPIneft, BashNIPIneft, Ritek, and others.

At the ceremony, Head of CdoGEO Ildus Chukmarov noted, “63 mine surveyors from Tatneft received online instruction, and 5 more from other companies were studying on-site. It’s not easy to conduct mixed format studies without ever losing or disrupting one class. It’s very pleasant to see alumni return to alma mater.”

Alexandra Podkuiko, who works at Ritek, was at CdoGEO for a second time, “Last time the training program was called Geophysical Exploration of Openhole Wells. Boris Platov gave excellent lectures. He explained everything in a simple and accessible way. Even if a person had little experience with geophysics before, everything was clear. There were practical classes. We worked in the geophysical program: we loaded logs, did the processing, interpretation, and distributed them to reservoirs. This time I came to study what geophysical methods are used in the process of field development. I am satisfied with everything, and I would like to thank the teachers for their professionalism.”

KFU alumnus Ilya Karpov joined the same program. He currently is employed by Bulgarneft in Almetyevsk, Tatarstan’s oil industry center. “The course was very interesting and packed. The educators help me find a new outlook on field geophysics. I found new ways to use the methods that I had known before,” he commented.

15 employees of Rechitsaneft (Belarus) received instruction in Control over Field Development with Field Geophysics Methods under the guidance of Associate Professor Yekaterina Yachmenyova.

Pyotr Manshin (SamaraNIPIneft) was very impressed by KFU’s labs, “We visited the labs, and I was pleasantly surprised by their infrastructure. I can say that the Laboratory of Geomechanics is on par with a similar one at the Schlumberger office in Moscow. I was astounded by the level of expertise shown by your young employees. I definitely didn’t have that at their age.” He plans to come to Kazan in December once again to join a course in Interpretation of Seismic Surveys.

Marsel Zaripov (Achimgaz) also visited KFU for a second time, “Before, I visited a course on machine learning in geology. This time it’s field geophysics. Everything at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies is perfect – the teaching, the equipment, and the modern labs. Every day we had coffee breaks with Tatar pastry, and we went for sightseeing tours.”

Over the five days, students gained new knowledge in kinematic and dynamic interpretation of seismic data, including working with VSP data, mapping and velocity modeling, as well as learning about sequence stratigraphy, attribute analysis, AVO analysis and seismic inversion.