
Сотрудники подразделений ПАО 'Газпром' повысили свою квалификацию в КФУ
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве газпром ильдус чукмаров
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве газпром кфу
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве газпром
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве игингт кфу
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве ильдус адгамович чукмаров
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве ильдус чукмаров адгамович
современные геодезические технологии в изысканиях и строительстве цдомким

Gazprom Employees Upgraded their Qualification at KFU

The ceremony of delivery of certificates on advanced training to the employees of Gazprom enterprises took place in the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing  at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of KFU. A group of 10 company employees from Kazan, Tyumen, Saratov and Surgut have studied modern geodetic technologies in surveys and construction for five days. The program is aimed at acquiring theoretical knowledge in fundamentals of engineering and geodetic survey technologies, as well as practical skills in the use of modern and traditional methods of collecting and processing geodetic information in accordance with current regulatory documents. (далее…)
ВНИИР Ильдус Чукмаров Крымский метрологический центр

CATQM&M expands cooperation with the All-Russian Research Institute for Flow Metering

Employees of the Crimean Metrological Center, headed by the general director Evgeny Eremenko,  upgraded their skills  on the program “Testing and calibration of reservoirs, tankers and pipelines” in the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of Kazan Federal University. During the distance learning, the company employees got acquainted with the current state of the regulatory, information and metrological base in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, as well as with the peculiarities of metrological support of stationary and transport measures of capacity. The participants examined in detail the features of calibration testing of vertical steel cylindrical tanks in accordance with GOST 8.570-2000, as well as horizontal ones in accordance with GOST 8.346-2000, check testing of tankers, calibration of technological pipelines, as well as calibration testing Software. (далее…)

KFU trained the specialists of Zarubezhneft in Moscow

The Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of IGPT of  Kazan Federal University provided on-site training for a group of eight managers and specialists of Zarubezhneft  in Moscow. In total, in 2020, more than 100 specialists of the company  are expected to  improve their professional skills at KFU on 11 different advanced training  programs. (далее…)
Ильдус Чукмаров GEO_Eurasia2020
Ильдус Чукмаров Институт Ломоносова
Ильдус Чукмаров Геолаб
Ильдус Чукмаров ГеоЕвразия2020
Ильдус Чукмаров tNavigator
Ильдус Чукмаров SmartSolo
Ильдус Чукмаров SEEQUENT
Ильдус Чукмаров RFD
Ильдус Чукмаров CGG
ГеоЕвразия 2020
CGG 2020

KFU at the “GeoEurasia- 2020” International Geoscience Exhibition

A representative of Kazan Federal University took part in the 3d International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition "GeoEurasia 2020" held in Moscow. Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Marketing of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University and  Director of the Center for Continuing Education, Quality Management and Marketing, met with the managers and specialists of oil and gas industry enterprises , geological and geophysical service companies. (далее…)
ЦДОМКиМ Вадим Рыбыльченко
Томограф ИГиНГТ КФУ
Раиль Кадыров томограф ГАЗПРОМ
НОЦ Геотермохронологии ГАЗПРОМ
Нептун Газпром
Круглый стол КФУ Газпром ИНК
Игорь Огнев круглый стол Газпром ИНК
ИГиНГТ круглый стол
Данис Нургалиев комплексный анализ данных
Данис Нургалиев Ильдус Чукмаров круглый стол
Газпром инкубатор дистанционных образовательных проектов
Вадим Рыбальченко КФУ
Вадим Рыбальченко Ильдус Чукмаров
Вадим Рыбальченко Данис Нургалиев
Вадим Рыбальченко Дамир Хабибуллин КФУ
Булат Гареев Вадим Рыбальченко

KFU and Gazprom discussed new technologies for evaluation of petroliferous regions and search for hydrocarbon deposits

The heads of Gazprom’s structural divisions and specialists of the Irkutsk Oil Company visited Kazan Federal University and got acquainted with the developments of scientists in the field of oil production, oil refining and petrochemicals. The guests took part in the meeting held at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, during which the issues of new technologies for assessing the oil- and- gas bearing regions and search for hydrocarbon deposits were discussed. They visited the unique laboratories of IGPT, got acquainted with the capabilities of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of IGPT of KFU and the Incubator of distance educational projects. (далее…)
Ильдус Чукмаров Cupet деревня универсиады

Specialists of oil and gas industry of Cuba will join the ranks of graduate students of IGPT

A group of 19 specialists of the state oil company of Cuba successfully completed the first term of their study at Kazan Federal University. To recap, after finishing one-year preparatory courses, Cupet employees will start the master’s program at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) of KFU. According to the terms and conditions of intergovernmental agreement the young professionals are expected to major in oil and gas business. After finishing one-year Russian language courses  the program "Development of hard-to-recover and unconventional hydrocarbon deposits" is to be covered by the Cuban specialists. (далее…)
Ильдус Чукмаров Газпромнефть-НТЦ

Specialists of “Gaspromneft” Research and Development Center covered an individual internship program in KFU

Specialists of “Gaspromneft” Research and  Development Center have been trained in the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of IGPT of KFU on individual internship program. The professional retraining program “Integration of geophysical and geological data in building a conceptual model of oil and gas field” covered by Ilyas Idrisov and Andrey Lomonosov, the company specialists, has been specifically designed by the Center and implemented in the laboratories of Kazan Federal University. (далее…)
Schlumberger KFU Danis Nourgaliev Ildus Chukmarov
Ekaterina Bredova
Ekaterina Bredova KFU
Ekaterina Bredova Kazan Federal University
Шлюмберже ИГиНГТ Бредова
Инкубатор дистанционных образовательных проектов Екатерина Бредова
Екатерина Бредова шлифы
Екатерина Бредова ХИМФАК КФУ
Екатерина Бредова томограф ИГиНГТ
Екатерина Бредова Ильдус Чукмаров

KFU and Schlumberger on the way to new projects

Kazan Federal University hosted Schlumberger Software university specialist Ekaterina Bredova. The guest  visited the  museum of history of KFU, got acquainted with the laboratories of  the  Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies , the Butlerov Chemical Institute , REC “TRIZ Modeling,” and  the developments of "Ekoneft" research area, as well as  with the capabilities of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing, its facilities and resources and distance education programs. (далее…)

A thousand of oil and gas industry specialists studied at KFU in 2019

The year 2019 appeared to be of landmark  nature  for the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing of IGPT of KFU.  It is noteworthy  that the Center    implemented the  largest in the history of Kazan University  international   contract for the provision of  advance training services. The result of this work was the decision of the management  of  Cuban state oil company Cupet to conclude a new contract with the Center for 2020 and 2021.  Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Marketing of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University and Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing , took part in events related to the development of Russian-Cuban relations at various levels  and organized visits of the Cupet management to KFU. (далее…)