A delegation of Tajik National University visited IGPT of KFU

Ильдус Чукмаров Таджикский национальный университет

A delegation of Tajik National University visited IGPT of KFU

Rustam Ganiev, Advisor to the Rector of Tajik National University and Ileszhdon Gafferzoda, Director of the Institute for Advanced Training of University Teachers, visited  Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University. The guests got acquainted with the capabilities of IGPT, its educational programs and facilities and resources; they  also discussed  joint projects  with Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Marketing of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University and Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing.

“As we know, the Republic of Tajikistan is rich in mineral resources and we could  make interesting projects jointly with geology department of TNU.  These areas include  scientific researches, business contracts and providing  programs of further professional education. We can train both university teachers and, together with TNU, managers and specialists of the companies of  geological and energy sectors of Tajikistan, ”said Ildus Adgamovich.