
CdoGEO KFU meets listeners from Vladivostok!

On October 11, at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of the Kazan Federal University, training began on the following five advanced training programs: “Application of global navigation satellite systems (GLONASS/GPS) in geodesy, mapping and navigation”, “Modern well logging methods”, “Geosteering support while drilling”, “Well logging”, “Modern geophysical and geodetic methods and technologies for conducting seismic surveys.” (далее…)

CdoGEO successfully completed training in Metrology for specialists from Kazakhstan

On October 8, the training under the “Practical Application of Geostatistics in Building Geological Models”, “Remote Sensing of the Earth” and “Metrological support, measurements of the amount of oil, oil products, associated petroleum and natural gases, physical and chemical measurements: verification and calibration of in-flow moisture meters” advanced training programs was completed at the CdoGEO IGPT KFU. (далее…)

Advanced Training Course on Seismic Interpretation has started at CdoGEO IGPT KFU

On September 19, the Seismic Interpretation advanced training program started at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies, KFU. The course participants are employees of NK Rosneft-NTC, Novatek NTC, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, LUKOIL-Engineering. (далее…)

The IGPT KFU presented its developments in the field of catalytic upgrading of high-viscosity oil at the Russian congress “Roskataliz”

On September 22, at the Kazan Federal University, within the framework of the IV Russian Congress on Catalysis “Roskataliz”, a round table was held on the topic “Catalysis in the production and refining of heavy oil and unconventional oil”. (далее…)

CdoGEO organized a field seminar for employees of the Gazprom Neft STC

On September 20, a three-day field seminar was launched in three districts of the Republic of Tatarstan for employees of Gazpromneft STC and PetroTrace, which was organized by the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University. (далее…)

Employees of LUKOIL-West Siberia, RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC and Kara Altyn Enterprise CJSC have successfully completed their training at CdoGEO

On September 17, the training under the Petrophysics and geophysics in petroleum geology advanced training program completed at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of the Kazan Federal University. (далее…)

CdoGEO IGPT KFU expands cooperation with Uzbekistan

Employees of the State Institution "IGIRNIGM" and JSC "Uzbekgeofizika" arrived in Kazan for advanced training in the form of an internship . For three months, they will study at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of the Kazan Federal University according to the programs created at their special request. The programs are "Geophysical support in prospecting, exploration and oil&gas field management " and "Geophysical support for prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields.” (далее…)