CdoGEO KFU trains employees of the CUPET oil and gas company in Cuba

CdoGEO KFU trains employees of the CUPET oil and gas company in Cuba

The Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University continues to implement advanced training programs for managers and specialists of the oil and gas company CUPET.

On May 20, training began in Havana on the advanced training course “Modern technologies for enterprise management in the oil and gas industry (operational management)” with the participation of KFU partner, expert Sergei Litti.

Earlier, during negotiations with the state oil and gas company CUPET, an agreement was reached on the continuation of the implementation of CdoGEO courses in Havana in 2024 with the support of Zarubezhneft JSC, these are “Modern technologies for enterprise management in the oil and gas industry (operational management)”, “Technologies for oil production from reservoirs with hard-to-recover reserves” and one program in Kazan “Non-seismic methods for hydrocarbon reservoirs proscpecting”.

“CdoGEO resumes conducting additional professional education courses for CUPET ,” says Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing, Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO). Previously, we trained 267 CUPET managers and specialists, and also graduated two groups of masters. In addition, within the framework of the World-Class Research Center (WCRC) “Rational Development of the Planet’s Liquid Hydrocarbons,” KFU scientists, together with specialists from Zarubezhneft JSC, continue to develop catalytic aquathermolysis technologies for the production of ultra-viscous oil at the Boca de Jaruco field. By the way, Irek Mukhamatdinov, winner of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, received the award precisely for the development and successful use of this catalyst. In June he will go to Cuba to implement the course “Technologies for oil production from reservoirs with hard-to-recover reserves.” We are pleased that CdoGEO continue to transfer knowledge and skills to ensure Cuba’s complete energy independence and improve the quality of life of the Cuban people.”