The course on seismic interpretation of CdoGEO KFU helped participants from Kazakhstan gain a new perspective for solving their tasks

The course on seismic interpretation of CdoGEO KFU helped participants from Kazakhstan gain a new perspective for solving their tasks

On September 29th, the training sessions for the programs “Ground Penetrating Radar Survey,” “Seismic Interpretation“, “Fundamentals of Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry“, and “Geophysics: Seismic Survey” (in-person session) has been successfully completed at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management, and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of the Kazan Federal University.

Employees from the national company KazMunayGas (Kazakhstan), LLC RN “BashNIPIneft,” and LLC “TNG-GEOSEIS” participated in the above courses. The participants were satisfied with the training, course organization, and tutors. Turar Jumabayev, Senior Engineer at Exploration Department of the national company KazMunayGas emphasized that he would immediately apply the knowledge gained in his work upon returning to his home country.

“We learned about CdoGEO at an international conference with our colleagues, then read the course program on the website and decided to enroll,” he said. “During the training, we were able to strengthen our competencies, theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and gain a new perspective for solving tasks related to seismic interpretation. We express our immense gratitude to the instructor, Boris Platov!”

“We have been collaborating with companies from Kazakhstan since 2013, and during this time, we have trained 144 employees from companies such as Service Drilling Enterprise, KazMunayGas-Drilling, Burgylau, MHINDUSTRY, Samruk-Kazyna, Geokurs,” said Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing and Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management, and Marketing (CdoGEO). “It is gratifying that the training was of the highest quality, and everyone was satisfied. We have proposed a new direction for cooperation – integrating our capabilities into the in-house personnel assessment and development system. We hope for further expansion of our cooperation!”