Center for Advanced Training sets record in weekly enrolment

Center for Advanced Training sets record in weekly enrolment

On 19 August, CdoGEO started training on professional development programs and a full-time session on a professional retraining program:

Industrial safety requirements in the field of mine surveying
Studies of carbonate reservoirs: sedimentology and secondary alteration
Sedimentology of carbonate reservoir
Basic types of core analysis
Estimation and recalculation of oil and gas reserves
Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas.

Among the students are employees of Rosneft, Aloil, Tatneft, Arctic Research Center, Surgutneftegaz, IGRGI, DUIM, Erendai Group Ural, LUKOIL-MCPB, Talakanneft, and Sheshmaoil.
On August 20 at 5.00 a.m. the program Metrological Support of Hydrocarbon Feedstock Quantity Measurements at Oil and Gas Production and Refining Enterprises was opened. It is provided specifically to Irkutsk Oil Company.

“This week CdoGEO has 159 trainees undergoing training in seven programs. Classes are held in different formats: in-person, distance learning technologies, full-time and part-time, including via video-conferencing and digital educational resources (DER),” says Director of CdoGEO Ildus Chukmarov. “Our Center has experience in conducting courses in different time zones and the difference of 5 or even 14 hours does not prevent us from working in the face-to-face format. CdoGEO works 24/7/365 thanks to the use of digital technologies. At the moment the Center has implemented its information software solution, CdoGEO Course Builder. With the support of the Department of Informatization and Communication we have developed an information system for managing requests for training and interaction of individual customers with various electronic document management systems of the automated management of KFU.”

The implementation of digitization helped the Center to fully automate its work with individual clients. At the moment we are working on creating of a digital system for interaction with corporate clients. In addition, we are working on improving the process of creating and using digital educational resources. CdoGEO’s experience in implementing digital technologies in the provision of continuing education programs can be successfully scaled to the entire university.”