CdoGEO KFU meets listeners from Vladivostok!
On October 11, at the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of the Kazan Federal University, training began on the following five advanced training programs: “Application of global navigation satellite systems (GLONASS/GPS) in geodesy, mapping and navigation”, “Modern well logging methods”, “Geosteering support while drilling”, “Well logging”, “Modern geophysical and geodetic methods and technologies for conducting seismic surveys.”
The students of the courses are employees of PJSC Tatneft, CJSC Aloil, LLC New Oil Production Technologies, LLC Gazprom Nedra, LLC LUKOIL-Engineering, LLC Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, LLC NK Rosneft – NTC, LLC RN- BashNIPIneft “. In addition, for the first time employees of the Vostokproektverf Far Eastern Design Institute came to study at CdoGEO.
Training in all programs takes place in different formats: full-time, part-time (using distance learning technologies) and hybrid.
“It is gratifying to see the employees of the companies with which we work every year, such as LLC LUKOIL-Engineering, PJSC Tatneft, LLC NK Rosneft-NTC, LLC TNNTs, LLC Gazprom Nedra,” says the Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing, Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing (CdoGEO) Ildus Chukmarov. For us it is especially pleasant to get acquainted with representatives of new enterprises, such as FDI Vostokproektverf! The staff of the institute came to Kazan for full-time training, and therefore will be able to attend practical classes on modern equipment and get acquainted with the software.
Also, together with everyone they will be able to visit the laboratories of the KFU, the Geological Museum named after
Stukenberg and in the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve.”
Ildus Chukmarov introduced new training and professional retraining programs developed within the World-Class Research Center (WCRC), and invited course attendees to undergo training in any convenient format.